Bidding Opportunity » Bidding Opportunity

Bidding Opportunity

NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that Pacoima Charter School (PCS) acting by and through its Governing Board, is soliciting and issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) and will receive up to, but no later than 2/18/19 by 2:00 p.m., proposals from interested, established and experienced Firms that have provided Proposition 39 contract services in at least 50 Local Educational Agencies, for the implementation of Energy Efficiency Measures, as identified in the approved Proposition 39 Energy Expenditure Plan.


This solicitation is intended to establish a qualified contractor with whom PCS will enter into a Contract. The selected contractor will perform the implementation of energy projects for PCS facilities and shall be free from conflicts of interest arising from relationships with potential suppliers, constructors, financiers, or owners of related projects or products. 

Packets will be available to be picked up from the school or downloaded from its website at from 1/26/19 to 2/8/19. Written proposals must be sealed and filed with PCS at the address shown above, or emailed to [email protected], no later than 2/18/19 by 2:00 p.m. Interested firms should direct their questions to Agustin Mena, Director of Operations, at the address shown above, or phone

(818) 899-0201.