Welcome to the Student Council's Webpage

Student Council members for the 2022-2023 school year have been selected.  Fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students who were voted class president and vice-president have been representing their homeroom class in Student Council.  Student Council meetings take place on Mondays from 2:50pm - 3:30pm.  The 2022-2023 Election for Officers will take place on early in the second semester.
What do Student Council Representatives do?
Class Representative
 Attend student council meetings and report back to homeroom.
 Report class feedback to the council.
 Share position with alternate (when representative is absent).
 Conducts him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct.
Alternate – Alongside the class representative:
 Attend student council meetings and report back to homeroom.
 Report class feedback to the council.
 Share position with representative (when representative is absent).
 Conducts him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct.